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Thank You for Submitting a Request for a Pain Management Appointment

We have received your request to make an appointment with a Washington University physician who specializes in managing and treating chronic pain. A member of our team will contact you within three business days

New Patient Packet

Prior to your first appointment, you will need to complete our new patient packet so we can obtain all your medical information. For your convenience you may download to review what is required, and we can answer your specific questions on the initial phone call.

Download the pain management new patient packet.

Washington University Physicians accepting new patients:

Bakul Dave, MD

Hess Panjeton, MD

Matthew Sanzalone, MD

Nicole Shin, MD


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Find a doctor or make an appointment: 314.542.WEST (9378) OR TOLL-FREE 1.844.542.9378
General Information: (314) 996.8000
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Creve Coeur, Missouri 63141
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