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Nonsurgical Weight Loss Webinar Information

What is a webinar?

A webinar is a real-time presentation that takes place over the internet. Choosing to attend the Nonsurgical Weight Loss Information Session through a webinar will allow you to do the following:

  • Participate in the session from a computer, regardless of your physical location.
  • View documents, videos and hear audio.
  • Submit questions to the physician at any time during the session, although questions may be answered during one portion of the session.
  • Have the option to remain anonymous.

How to access the webinar

After you register for the webinar session, you will be sent an email with the required link. Because each webinar session is live (not pre-recorded), the link can only be used at a specific session date and time. You must have a reliable internet connection during the entire webinar session.

Register for the Nonsurgical Weight Loss Information Session webinar

Attending the webinar does require registration for the session first. Click here to complete your registration for the Nonsurgical Weight Loss Information Session webinar.


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