• Anatomy of the Respiratory System
    A detailed look at the respiratory system and how it works.
  • Audiologist
    Audiologists measure and evaluate a person's ability to hear sounds. They specialize in treating people with hearing disorders.
  • Burns
    Detailed information on burns, burn types, classification of burns, burn treatment, and burn rehabilitation
  • Cancer Rehabilitation
    Detailed information on cancer rehabilitation, including members of the rehab team.
  • Choosing a Rehabilitation Unit/CARF
    Rehab services are provided in many different places, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, and community health centers. Read on to learn about what to look for when choosing a rehab facility and services.
  • Community Re-Entry
    One of the main goals of rehabilitation is to prepare the patient for life after discharge.
  • Medicine Rash
    A medicine rash is the body's reaction to a certain medicine. Learn more about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments.
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation
    A pulmonary rehab program can help people with long-term (chronic) lung diseases. Here's what you need to know.
  • Rabies
    Detailed information on animal bites and rabies, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention
  • Radiosurgery
    Learn about the 3 types of radiosurgery. This treatment uses focused beams of radiation to treat cancer tissues without making a surgical cut (incision). It's called surgery because it creates a result similar to an actual surgical procedure.
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