Patient and Family

The patient and family as rehab team members

The patient and family are the most important members of the rehab (rehabilitation) team. It's vital for the patient, family, and other team members to be open and honest with each other. This is key for the rehab program's success.

Patient and family rights

The patient and, if they permit, their family, have certain rights during rehab. These include:

  • Knowing what the disability and rehab plan is

  • Having an equal voice in care decisions

  • Being treated as equal team members

  • Having the chance to increase self-care activities and independence

  • Having ways to resume social and community roles

  • Knowing about the family's role in the rehab process

  • Being told about community resources, support groups, and continuation of care after discharge

  • Having hope and assurance for the patient's future potential

Patient and family responsibilities

The patient and family also have certain responsibilities during rehab, such as:

  • Giving the team accurate medical information

  • Supporting and encouraging the patient

  • Following agreed-on treatment plans

  • Meeting financial obligations

  • Taking part in patient and family conferences, education sessions, and discharge planning

It's important for the patient, family, and other team members to all work together. This is the best way to set and reach realistic goals. These include goals for optimal health and function, adequate discharge planning, and over time, community re-entry.

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Creve Coeur, Missouri 63141
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