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Running Clinic

Running Clinic: Available at the STAR Location in Chesterfield

Our Running Clinic helps with injuries that can keep you from running or from reaching your potential. We provide you with a thorough evaluation of your injury and mechanics. Doing so provides you with the best chance to fully recover and avoid future problems.

We care for people who have a wide range of ages, abilities and goals. Do you want to run again after taking a break? Were you injured while training for a race? Whatever the circumstance, we appreciate your passion and do our best to keep you out there.

Why Choose STAR Physical Therapy for a Running Injury?

All STAR locations offer effective therapy for running injuries, with our Chesterfield Running Clinic providing specialized assessment and treatment. The clinic can help anyone who runs. You can particularly benefit, though, if you have a challenging problem or a particular dedication to the sport.

Our clinic features:

  • Experience: Our clinic leader is both a licensed physical therapist and a certified athletic trainer with 15 years of experience working with runners. In addition to her expertise and trained eye, she runs herself, having completed a number of half-marathons. She understands how it feels to have a running injury and want to feel the road under your feet again.
  • Thoroughness: We examine your shoes, body mechanics, strength and flexibility, usual weekly mileage, running history, and other factors.
  • Video analysis: Our updated software and camera system provides greater feedback and documentation. We can clearly show you what areas to correct and how to do so. Learn more about our video motion analysis.
  • Range of care: We help runners from age 12 to 80 plus. We commonly see middle and high school athletes who have over-trained, as well as adults who return to running after a long break and try to do too much, too soon.
  • Flexibility: We make sure sessions do not pose a burdensome time commitment. We work around your home, work and training schedules. We do not recommend more sessions than you need, unless you want extra help. 
  • Coordination: Whether you start your care at the Running Clinic or at another STAR location, we make sure you end up at the right place and with the right approach.

Learn more about the benefits of choosing STAR sports therapy and physical therapy.

Knee Pain, Foot Pain and Common Running Injuries

We care for a range of running problems, including injuries from overuse and from repetitive motions. Common running injuries we see include:

  • Achilles and hamstring tendonitis
  • Hip impingement
  • IT (iliotibial) band syndrome, or ITBS
  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis

Learn more about foot pain and problems.

Physical Therapy at the STAR Running Clinic in Chesterfield

We do our best to help you run during your recovery, even if you have to reduce your mileage. We provide recommendations, not orders — the decision is ultimately yours to make. We thoroughly explain our advice and write it down for you, so you can remember it.

Working with our clinic involves:

Initial evaluation

During our first session, we:

  1. Gather information: We examine your running shoes. We also ask about where you run, your normal mileage, what adjustments you have recently made, whether you are training for a race and what cross-training you do, if any.
  2. Examine your body: We check your strength and flexibility and look for any muscle imbalances, such as between your left and right sides or front and back.
  3. Help you prepare: We start talking about what mileage, if any, is best while you recover. We make tailored exercise recommendations to address deficits and discuss good options for cross-training. We help you understand your injury and how quickly you can usually expect to recover.

Deeper analysis

After the initial evaluation, we may wait a couple of weeks for your next session, so you can start your exercises. When you return, we:

  1. Assess your running mechanics: We watch as you run on a treadmill, checking your body mechanics for proper form and maximum efficiency. We start from the back before going to the side and then down your body from your head. We look for problems like holding your head too far forward, twisting your shoulders and back more to one side, and not landing on your feet where you should. We use advanced video motion analysis to provide feedback.
  2. Expand your exercise plan: We work with you to determine which additional strength and stability exercises will help.

Contact Us

To learn more about our services or make an appointment, please call a STAR location:

  • Chesterfield — Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Orthopedic Center: 314.514.3636
  • Creve Coeur — Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital: 314.996.3050
  • South County — Center for Advanced Medicine: 314.286.1000


Creve Coeur: 314.996.3050
Chesterfield: 314.514.3636
South County: 314.286.1000

STAR Locations




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Creve Coeur, Missouri 63141
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